দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি : THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV QUESTIONS & ANSWERS | WBBSE Class 12th English Question and Answer

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দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি : THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV QUESTIONS & ANSWERS | WBBSE Class 12th English Question and Answer

THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর | Class 12 English Question and Answer : THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর | Class 12 English Question and Answer নিচে দেওয়া হলো। এই West Bengal WBBSE Class 12th English Question and Answer, Suggestion, Notes | দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর – THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV থেকে বহুবিকল্পভিত্তিক, সংক্ষিপ্ত, অতিসংক্ষিপ্ত এবং রোচনাধর্মী প্রশ্ন উত্তর (MCQ, Very Short, Short, Descriptive Question and Answer) গুলি আগামী West Bengal Class 12th HS HSEnglish EXiamination – পশ্চিমবঙ্গ দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি পরীক্ষার জন্য খুব ইম্পর্টেন্ট। দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি পরীক্ষা তে এই সাজেশন বা কোশ্চেন THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর | Class 12 English Question and Answer গুলো আসার সম্ভাবনা খুব বেশি।

1. As Natalya lent her threshing machine to Lomov, she had to put off her threshing till-

[A] mid-September

[B] mid-October

[C] November

[D] December

Ans:- [C] November .

2. According to Lomov, Chubukov’s grandfather was tired for-

[A] theft

[B] embezzlement

[C] encroachment

[D] purchasing vots

Ans:- [B] embezzlement .

3. Chubukov calls Lomov’s father-

[A] a drunkard

[B] a thief

[C] a back-biter

[D] a guzzling gambler

Ans:- [A] a drunkard .

4. Lomov describes Chubukov’s mother as-

[A] an intriguer

[B] hump-backed

[C] lame footed

[D] a back-biter

Ans:- [B] hump-backed .

5. Lomov bought Guess from-

[A] the Count

[B] Mironov

[C] Volchanetsky

[D] Ivan

Ans:- [B] Mironov .

6. Lomov bought Guess for-

[A] 150 roubles

[B] 125 roubles

[C] 225 roubles

[D] 250 roubles

Ans:- [B] 125 roubles .

7. Chubukov bought Squeezer for-

[A] 185 roubles

[B] 65 roubles

[C] 25 roubles

[D] 85 roubles

Ans:- [D] 85 roubles .

8. “Go; there’s a merchant come for his goods”- The merchant referred to here is-

[A] a farmer

[B] Chubukov

[C] Lomov

[D] a grocer

Ans:- [C] Lomov .

9. The person described as ‘turnip ghost’ is-

[A] the Count

[B] Lomov

[C] Chubukov

[D] Natalya

Ans:- [B] Lomov .

10. Natalya becomes soft for Lomov on hearing-

[A] about his illness

[B] about his proposed

[C] praise about her

[D] his offer of Oxen Meadows

Ans:- [B] about his proposed .

11. When Natalya hears that Lomov has come to propose marriage, she asks her father-

[A] to throw Lomov out

[B] to call Lomov back quickly

[C] whether she should marry Lomov

[D] to call the police

Ans:- [B] to call Lomov back quickly .

12. The second argument was about-

[A] hunting dogs

[B] Oxen Meadows

[C] estates

[D] gifts

Ans:- [A] hunting dogs .

13. Oxen Meadows is between-

[A] birch woods and Burnt Marsh

[B] Birnam woods and Dunsian hills

[C] Oak woods and birch marsh

[D] birch marsh and burnt woods

Ans:- [A] birch woods and Burnt Marsh .

14. According to Lomov, Natalya’s dog is –

[A] fine

[B] overshot

[C] old

[D] a first rate dog

Ans:- [B] overshot .

15. According to Chubukov, Guess has-

[A] two defects

[B] three defects

[C] four defects

[D] many defects

Ans:- [A] two defects .

16. According to Chubukov, Guess is old and his is short in-

[A] height

[B] muzzle

[C] size

[D] limbs

Ans:- [B] muzzle .

17. ‘Stuffed sausage’ is an expression used as terms of-

[A] admitation

[B] hatred

[C] vexation

[D] insult

Ans:- [D] insult .

18. On the day of Marusinsky hunt, Squeezer worried a –

[A] goat

[B] cat

[C] sheep

[D] fox

Ans:- [C] sheep .

19. Natalya compares Guess with a worn out-

[A] cab horse

[B] race-horse

[C] Arabian horse

[D] lame horse

Ans:- [A] cab horse .

20. Guess ran neck-and-neck with-

[A] Lomov’s dog

[B] Chubukov’s dog

[C] Natalya’s dog

[D] the Count’s dog

Ans:- [D] the Count’s dog .

21. Squeezer is the son of-

[A] Rock and Roll

[B] Lalu and Bhulu

[C] Harness and Chisels

[D] Ricky and Vicky

Ans:- [C] Harness and Chisels .

22. The name of Natalya’s dog is-

[A] Guess

[B] Squeezer

[C] Mironov

[D] Ivan

Ans:- [B] Squeezer  .

23. “its even impudent, if you want to known” – Here ‘impudent’ means-

[A] disrespectful

[B] angry

[C] imitating

[D] unpleasant

Ans:- [B] angry .

24. ‘Land grabbing’ means-

[A] grabbing land

[B] grabbling the land under power

[C] possessing land by force and illegally

[D] bullying over someone’s land

Ans:- [B] grabbling the land under power .

25. What is not at all neighbourly ?

[A] returning the threshing machine

[B] giving Natalya’s own land to her

[C] taking Natalya’s land

[D] getting the crops threshed

Ans:- [D] getting the crops threshed .

26. Lomov will show the documents for-

[A] Oxen Meadows

[B] claiming Oxen Meadows

[C] the ownership of Oxen Meadows

[D] the possessing of Oxen Meadows

Ans:- [C] the ownership of Oxen Meadows .

27. Why is the proposal acceptable to all the parties?

[A] Chubukov really likes Lomov

[B] Lomov loves Natalya

[C] Natalya loves Lomov

[D] Its good working arrangement

Ans:- [D] Its good working arrangement .

28. Natalya learns about the proposal-

[A] at the beginning of the argument after Lomov meets her

[B] in the course of the argument when Chubukov tells her

[C] when Lomov storns out of the house

[D] when Chubukov exclaims in anger, Lomov dared to make a proposal.

Ans:- [D] when Chubukov exclaims in anger, Lomov dared to make a proposal. .

29. Lomov does not directly ask Natalya to marry him because-

[A] he has palpitations

[B] he is not sure about her reaction

[C] he is trying to be calm

[D] he knows Chubukov has already told Natalya

Ans:- [B] he is not sure about her reaction .

30. Chubukov declares that Lomov is dead because-

[A] he does not breathe

[B] he does not speak

[C] he does not move

[D] he does not drink

Ans:- [A] he does not breathe .

31. Natalya wants to bring Lomov back because-

[A] she wants to take revenge

[B] she has made out her faults

[C] she wants to present Oxen Meadows to Lomov

[D] she wants Lomov as her suitor

Ans:- [B] she has made out her faults .

32. The expression ‘go round and rould it’means-

[A] much ado about nothing

[B] to feather ones nest

[C] beat about the bush

[D] to build castles in the air

Ans:- [A] much ado about nothing .

33. The expression ‘sipt it out, means-

[A] do it quickly

[B] say it quickly

[C] don’t do it

[D] start a song

Ans:- [B] say it quickly .

34. The expression ‘give it to them in the neck’ means-

[A] a lot is to be given

[B] attack them in the neck

[C] break their neck

[D] to drive them out

Ans:- [B] attack them in the neck .

35. The expression ‘demon of contradiction’ means-

[A] a mood of argument

[B] attacking like a demon

[C] the devil of fight

[D] contradicting like a devil

Ans:- [D] contradicting like a devil .

36. The expression ‘ran neck and neck’ means-

[A] ran with great speed

[B] level with somebody in a race

[C] ran very slowly

[D] shook neck while running

Ans:- [B] level with somebody in a race .

37. Guess ran ‘neck to neck’ with-

[A] Lomov’s dog

[B] Chubukov’s dog

[C] Natalya’s dog

[D] the Count’s dog

Ans:- [D] the Count’s dog .

38. Natalya commented that Lomov should go on-

[A] catching black beetles

[B] tracking animals

[C] hunting

[D] running after foxes

Ans:- [D] running after foxes .

39. The term ‘old rat’ refers to –

[A] Lomov

[B] Natalya

[C] Chubukov

[D] Miranov

Ans:- [C] Chubukov .

40. Chubukov will shoot Lomov like a –

[A] swallow

[B] canary

[C] sparrow

[D] patridge

Ans:- [D] patridge .

41. “Why don’t I put a bullet in my brain?” -Here Chubukov sounds frustrated and distrught as Lomov-

[A] tell him Chubukov’s father had embezzled money

[B] insults him saying that Chubukov’s late wife used to beat him

[C] faints and shows no sign of life

[D] abuses him calling him an intriguer.

Ans:- [D] abuses him calling him an intriguer.

42. Chubukov says, “only leave me in peace’ because-

[A] he wants to see Natalya get married before another argument starts

[B] ha has severe palpitation

[C] he is a peace-loving man

[D] he wants to be Lomov’s friend

Ans:- [A] he wants to see Natalya get married before another argument starts .

43. The person who puts Lomov’s hand into Natalya’s hand is-

[A] the priest

[B] Chubukov

[C] the Count

[D] Lomov’s father

Ans:- [B] Chubukov .

44. ‘Hurry up and get married’ -Chubukov says this because-

[A] Natalya may disagree

[B] time for marriage proposal is getting over

[C] Lomov may run away

[D] they may start a new fight

Ans:- [D] they may start a new fight .

45. Lomov, Chubukov and Natalya approach marriage with a sense of-

[A] practicality

[B] romanticism

[C] idealism

[D] cynicism

Ans:- [A] practicality .

46. All the characters in the play “The Proposal” argue about-

[A] pointless things

[B] essential things

[C] important social issues

[D] the true nature of love

Ans:- [A] pointless things.

47. Lomov calls Chubukov a ‘Jesuit’ because of his-

[A] laziness

[B] stubbornness

[C] carelessness

[D] tidiness

Ans:- [B] stubbornness .

48. Chubukov’s action in the play shows that-

[A] he is a doting father

[B] he is a sensible father

[C] he is an authoritarian father

[D] none of the above

Ans:- [B] he is a sensible father .

49. At last the marriage proposal was-

[A] accepted

[B] denied

[C] not listened to

[D] avoided

Ans:- [A] accepted .

50. Chubukov wants to celebrate the marriage with-

[A] a gift of Oxen Meadows

[B] valuable jewelries

[C] Champagne

[D] a party

Ans:- [C] Champagne .

51. The word ‘burden’ means-

[A] blessing

[B] responsibility

[C] bedding

[D] cargo

Ans:- [B] responsibility .

52. The word ‘twitching’ means-

[A] burning

[B] jerking

[C] bettering

[D] dancing

Ans:- [D] dancing .

53. The word ‘formal’ means-

[A] normal

[B] casual

[C] unofficial

[D] ceremonial

Ans:- [D] ceremonial .

54. The word ‘lunatic’ means-

[A] lunar

[B] crazy

[C] busy

[D] disturbing

Ans:- [B] crazy .

55. The word ‘wedged’ means-

[A] woven

[B] squeezed

[C] planned

[D] kept

Ans:- [A] woven .

56. The word implore means-

[A] enquire

[B] improve

[C] solicit

[D] explore

Ans:- [B] improve .

57. The word ‘excruciating’ means-

[A] pleasurable

[B] agonizing

[C] patronizing

[D] recurrent

Ans:- [B] agonizing .

58. A ‘negligee’ is a –

[A] hunting dog

[B] dress-jacket

[C] threshing machine

[D] loose-gown

Ans:- [D] loose-gown .

59. ‘Pettyfogger’ here means-

[A] a lawyer who deals in petty cases

[B] a peasant who travels in fog

[C] a fisherman who sell fish

[D] a cab driver

Ans:- [A] a lawyer who deals in petty cases .

60. ‘Overshot’ means-

[A] lower jaw is shorter than the upper

[B] lower jaw is weak

[C] upper jaw is shorter than the lower

[D] upper jaw is weak

Ans:- [A] lower jaw is shorter than the upper .

61. In the play ‘The Proposal’ milk shop refers to a –

[A] strong and brave man

[B] silly and weak man

[C] cunning fellow

[D] man deals in milk

Ans:- [B] silly and weak man .

62. The word ’embezzlement’ means-

[A] cleverly

[B] fraud

[C] dazzling

[D] abusing

Ans:- [B] fraud .

63. The word opposite to ‘formal’ is –

[A] normal

[B] casual

[C] aristocratic

[D] official

Ans:- [B] casual .

64. The word opposite to ‘malicious’ is-

[A] benevolent

[B] suspicious

[C] nervous

[D] glorious

Ans:- [D] glorious .

65. The word opposite to ‘milk shop’ is-

[A] milky

[B] valiant

[C] trustworthy

[D] helpless

Ans:- [C] trustworthy .

66. Natalya was shelling____ for drying-

[A] beans

[B] peas

[C] barley

[D] meadows

Ans:- [B] peas .

67. Chubukov addresses Lomov as-

[A] a devil

[B] a peasant

[C] an angel

[D] an eagle

Ans:- [A] a devil .

68. According to Natalya, they had lent Lomov their-

[A] hunting dog

[B] lands

[C] peasants

[D] threshing-machine

Ans:- [D] threshing-machine .

69. Lomov’s aunt’s name is –

[A] Natalya Stepanova

[B] Natasha Vassilevitch

[C] Natasha Mihailovna

[D] Natalya Mihailovna

Ans:- [C] Natasha Mihailovna .

70. Lomov gave ____ to Mironov for his dog-

[A] 120 roubles

[B] 125 roubles

[C] 25 roubles

[D] 85 roubles

Ans:- [B] 125 roubles .

71. The worst of Lomov’s physical problem is –

[A] the way he sleeps

[B] his palpitations

[C] his headache

[D] his limp

Ans:- [A] the way he sleeps .

72. Chubukov said that Lomov’s younger aunt had run away with-

[A] a hunter

[B] a drunkard

[C] a count

[D] an architect

Ans:- [D] an architect .

73. Lomov wanted to remind Natalya that her dog was-

[A] ugly

[B] old

[C] overshot

[D] lame

Ans:- [C] overshot .

74. Natalya suggested that Lomov should not go after foxes but-

[A] catch black beetles

[B] go after horses

[C] shoot partridges

[D] go to the doctor

Ans:- [A] catch black beetles .

75. Chubukov ordered Lomov to shut up or he would shoot him like a –

[A] patridge 



[D] wolf    [H.S. – 2017]

Ans:- [a] patridge.

76. According to Natalya, they had lent Lomov their –

[A] hunting dog   

[B] lands

[C] peasants    

[D] threshing machine  [H.S. – 2017]

Ans:- [d] threshing machine.

77. Natalya was shelling ……….. for drying –

[A] beans   

[B] peas


[D] meadows  [H.S. – 2017]

Ans:- [b] peas.

78. Lomov gave …………… to Minorov for his dog. –

[A] 120 roubles   

[B] 125 roubles

[C] 25 roubles    

[D] 85 roubles     [H.S. – 2018]

Ans:- [d] 85 roubles.

79. Lomov went to his neighbour, Chubukov’s house –

[A] to borrow money    

[B] to settle a dispute

[C] to give a marriage proposal 

[D] to complain    [H.S. – 2018 & 2022]

Ans:- [c] to give a marriage proposal

8012] Lomov’s aunt’s name is –

[A] Natalya Stepnova  

[B] Natasha Vassilvitch

[C] Nastasya Mihailovna  

d)Natalya Mihailovna  [H.S. – 2018 & 2022]

Ans:- [c ] Nastasys Mihailovna

8111] Chubukov comments that Lomovs’ have had in their family –

[A] Autocracy   

[B] lunacy

[C] hypocrisy    

[D] democracy [H.S. – 2018]

Ans [b] lunacy.

8213)Natalya suggested that Lomov should not go after foxes but –

[A] catch black beetles 

[B] go after horses

[C] shoot partridges  

[D] go to the doctor   [H.S. – 2019]

Ans:- [a] catch black beetles

8314)Lomov wanted to remind Natalya that her dog was –

[A] ugly     

[B] old

[C] overshot 

[D] lame [H.S. – 2019]

Ans:- [c] overshot.

8415)Chubukov said that Lomov’s younger aunt had ran away with –

[A] a hunter

[B] a drunkard

[C] a count  

[D] an architect     [H.S. – 2019 &2022]

Ans:- [d] an architect

85. The worst of Lomov’s physical problems is –

[A] the way he sleeps   

[B] his palpitations

c)his headache   

d)his limp     [H.S. – 2019 & 2022]

Ans:- [a] the way he sleeps

86. The first argument between Lomov and Natalya was over –

[A] land    

[B] labour

[C] hunting dogs   

[D] inheritance  [H.S. – 2020]

Ans:- [a] land.

87. When Natalya comes to know that Lomov had come to propose her, she asks her father to –

[A] never allow him again.  

[B] take him to court

[C] get him by the neck 

[D] bring him back   [H.S. – 2020]

Ans:- [d] bring him back.

88. When Lomov arrived, Natalya was –

[A] instructing her mowers    

[B] shelling peas for drying

[C] stacking hay   

[D] readind a book    [H.S. – 2020]

Ans:- [b] shelling peas for drying

89. Lomov hoped to go for shooting –

[A] before the harvest

[B] in the November

[C] in June    

[D] after the harvest  [H.S. – 2020]

Ans:- [d] after the harvest

90. The name of Natalya’s dog is –

[A] Squeezer   

[B] Mirnov

[C] Guess   

[D] Ivan      [H.S.- 2016]

Ans:-  [a] Squeezer.

91. When Lomov arrived, Chubukov was surprised by his –

[A] evening dress     


[C] shyness     

[D] impudence   [H.S. – 2016]

Ans:- [a] evening dress.

92. Lomov comes to Chubukuv’s house –

[A] to propose to his daughter

[B] like a good neighbour

[C] for a formal meeting 

[D] to borrow money from Chubukov.[H.S. – 2016]

Ans:- [a] to propose to his daughter.

93. Chubukov is a –




d)physician     [H.S. – 2016]

Ans:- [a] landowner.

94. Chubukov addresses Lomov as –

[A] a devil  

[B] a peasant

c)an angel   

[D] a darling   [H.S. – 2017]

Ans:- ?

95. Anton Chekhov was a/an-

[A] Russian writer

[B] German writer

[C] English writer

[D] French writer

Ans:- [A] Russian writer .

96. ‘The Proposal’ was written by Chekhov in-

[A] Chinese language

[B] French language

[C] Russian language

[D] German language

Ans:- [C] Russian language .

97. The format of the play ‘The Proposal’ is-

[A] One-act play

[B] tragedy

[C] comedy

[D] farce

Ans:- [A] One-act play .

98. The play is a-

[A] tragedy

[B] comedy

[C] melodrama

[D] farce

Ans:- [D] farce .

99. Chubukov is a-

[A] merchant

[B] land owner

[C] doctor

[D] lawyer

Ans:- [B] land owner .

100. The whole play took place at-

[A] Lomov’s house

[B] Oxen Meadows

[C] Chubukov’s country house

[D] birch woods

Ans:- [C] Chubukov’s country house .

101. Lomov is a –

[A] merchant

[B] pettifogger

[C] land owner

[D] land grabber

Ans:- [C] land owner .

102. Natalya is in her-

[A] teens

[B] mid-twenties

[C] mid-thirties

[D] adolescence

Ans:- [B] mid-twenties .

103. Lomov is in her-

[A] mid-twenties

[B] mid-thirties

[C] mid-forties

[D] mid-fifties

Ans:- [B] mid-thirties .

104. Lomov came to chubukov’s house in-

[A] evening dress

[B] sports suit

[C] night dress

[D] shabby dress

Ans:- [A] evening dress .

105. Lomov came to chubukov’s house-

[A] to propose to his daughter

[B] like a good neighbour

[C] for a formal meeting

[D] to borrow money from Chubukov

Ans:- [A] to propose to his daughter .

106. Chubukov doubts that Lomov has come to –

[A] buy a dog

[B] borrow money

[C] borrow a threshing meachine

[D] borrow seeds

Ans:- [B] borrow money .

107. Seeing Lomov in dress jacket, Chubukov thought he was going to attend a-

[A] picnic

[B] hunting party

[C] marriage party

[D] New Year’s Eve party

Ans:- [D] New Year’s Eve party .

108. Chubukov first addressed Lomov as-

[A] my angel

[B] my darling

[C] my dear fellow

[D] my precious

Ans:- [C] my dear fellow .

109. The person referred to as ‘love-sick cat’ is-

[A] Lomov

[B] Chubukov

[C] Natalya

[D] Lomov’s aunt

Ans:- [C] Natalya .

110. When Lomov feels the pull in his left side, he jumps like a-

[A] monkey

[B] love-sick cat

[C] rabbit

[D] lunatic

Ans:- [D] lunatic .

111. While sleeping Lomov feels a pull –

[A] several times

[B] ten times

[C] twenty times

[D] fifteen times

Ans:- [C] twenty times .

112. Before proposing to Natalya, Lomov feels as if he were in-

[A] an examination hall

[B] a police station

[C] court

[D] a flower garden

Ans:- [A] an examination hall .

113. Lomov feels a twitch in his right-

[A] leg

[B] ear

[C] eye-brow

[D] hand

Ans:- [C] eye-brow .

114. Natalya thinks that Lomov is going to-

[A] a marriage ceremony

[B] a ball

[C] a fashion show

[D] a birth day party

Ans:- [B] a ball .

115. Natalya is shelling peas for-

[A] crushing

[B] cooking

[C] selling

[D] drying

Ans:- [D] drying .

116. The day when Lomov meets Natalya the weather is-

[A] gloomy

[B] wet

[C] cloudy

[D] splendid

Ans:- [D] splendid .

117. The colour of Lomov’s gloves was-

[A] white

[B] red

[C] black

[D] blue

Ans:- [A] white .

118. The two considerations that Lomov has, regarding marriage, are-

[A] he must consolidate property and make gains

[B] he is thirty five and needs a stable life

[C] he suffers from sleeplessness and nervous disorder

[D] it is high time for him to enjoy live and passion in his life

Ans:- [B] he is thirty five and needs a stable life .

119. The first argument is over-

[A] land

[B] labor

[C] dogs

[D] threshing machine

Ans:- [A] land .

120. The Oxen Meadows were adjacent to –

[A] oak woods

[B] birch woods

[C] birch marsh

[D] burnt woods

Ans:- [B] birch woods .

121. Lomov inherited the land from his late-

[A] grandparents

[B] father

[C] aunt and her husband

[D] mother

Ans:- [C] aunt and her husband .

122. Natalya claims that they have had Oxen Meadows for-

[A] nearly 30 years

[B] nearly 300 years

[C] nearly 40 years

[D] mote than 500 years

Ans:- [C] nearly 40 years .

123. “They’re ours” -Here ‘they’ refers to-

[A] birch woods

[B] Burnt Marsh

[C] Oxen Meadows

[D] oak woods

Ans:- [C] Oxen Meadows .

124. “They only came for five dessiatins’ -Five dessiatins means-

[A] 12.5 acres

[B] 13.5 acres

[C] 15.5 acres

[D] 16.5 acres

Ans:- [B] 13.5 acres .

125. The malicious, double -faced intriguer is-

[A] Chubukov

[B] Lomov

[C] Chubukov’s father

[D] Lomov’s aunt

Ans:- [B] Lomov .

126. In the heated argument over ownership, all there characters behave-

[A] without malice and spite

[B] without maturity

[C] without grace and decorum

[D] with reason and civility

Ans:- [B] without maturity .

127. According to Natalya, Oxen Meadows are worth perhaps-

[A] 330 roubles

[B] 430 roubles

[C] 300 roubles

[D] 400 roubles

Ans:- [C] 300 roubles .

128. According to Lomov, the Lomov and the Chubukov’s have always had-

[A] the most friendly and affectionate relationship

[B] spiteful relationship

[C] an indifferent and casual relationship

[D] a critical relationship

Ans:- [A] the most friendly and affectionate relationship .

129. For using Oxen Meadows the peasants had to-

[A] make tiles

[B] make bricks

[C] stac hay

[D] break bricks

Ans:- [B] make bricks .

THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি সাজেশন প্রশ্ন উত্তর Class 12 English Suggestion | West Bengal WBBSE Class HS HS(Class 12th) English Question and Answer Suggestion

1. What was Natalya wearing?

Ans:- Apron and negligee.

2. What was Natalya doing?

Ans:- Shelling peas for drying.

3. What was the weather when Natalya and Lomov met?

Ans:- Slendid.

4. What was the weather of the previous day?

Ans:- Wet.

5. What did Natalya inform Lomov about the workmen?

Ans:- The workmen did not do anything all day.

6. Why was Natalya afraid of?

Ans:- The hay might rot.

7. What did Natalya say about Lomov’s evening dress?

Ans:- He looked better.

8. How long did Lomov have the privilege of knowing her family?

Ans:- Since his childhood.

9. From whom did Lomov inherit his land?

Ans:- From his late aunt and her husband.

10. Who had the greatest respect for Natalya’s father and her late mother?

Ans:- Lomov’s late aunt and her husband.

11. What ,according to Lomov, was the relation between the Lomovs and the Chubukovs?

Ans:- Friendly and the most affectionate.

12. Which land of Lomov touched the birchwoods?

Ans:- Oxen Meadows.

13. What was the disputed land between the Lomovs and the Chubukovs?

Ans:- Oxen Meadows.

14. Which land was wedged between birchwoods and the Burnt Marsh?

Ans:- Oxen Meadows.

15. How long did Lomov have the claim of the land Oxen Meadows?

Ans:- As long as he could remember.

16. Who gave the free use of Oxen Meadows to the peasants of Natalya’s father’s grandfather?

Ans:- Lomov’s aunt’s grandfather.

17. For how many years did Lomov’s aunt’s grandfather give the free use of the land to the peasants.

Ans:- For forty years.

18. What did the peasants of Natalya’s father’s grandfather use to make?

Ans:- Bricks.

19. What did Natalya’s grandfather and great grandfather reckon about the land?

Ans:- The land extended to Brunt Marsh.

20. For how many years did Natalya claim to occupy the land?

Ans:- Nearly three hundred years.

21. What was the area of Oxen Meadows?

Ans:- 5 dessiantins or 13.5 acres.

22. What according to Natalya was the worth of Oxen Meadows?

Ans:- 300 roubles.

23. What could not Natalya stand?

Ans:- Unfairness.

24. What did Natalya think of Lomov’s coming with putting on dress-jacket?

Ans:- To claim Oxen Meadows.

25. What did Natalya lend Lomov the previous year?

Ans:- Threshing machine.

26. What had happened to the Chubukovs on account of lending the threshing machine?

Ans:- They had to put off their own threshing till November.

27. Who compared themselves as Gyspsies?

Ans:- Natalya.

28. Who never grabbed anybody else’s land in his life?

Ans:- Lomov.

29. Why did’nt the peasants pay to Lomov’s grandfather?

Ans:- Because the land was in disput.

30. Who threatened to give up the meadows to the peasants?

Ans:- Chubukov.

31. Who called Lomov a pettifogger?

Ans:- Chubukov.

32. In what occasion did Chubukov call Lomov a pettifogger?

Ans:- When Lomov threatened Chubukov to take him to court.

33. Who tried for embezzlement to the Lomovs?

Ans:- Chubukov’s grandfather.

34. Who had lunacy in their family?

Ans:- The Lomovs.

35. Whose grandfather was a drunkard?

Ans:- Lomov’s grandfather.

36. What is the name of Lomov’s younger Aunt?

Ans:- Nastasya Mihailovna.

37. To whom did Lomov’s younger Aunt run away?

Ans:- With an architect.

38. Who was referred to as hump-backed?

Ans:- Chubukov’s mother.

39. Who was mentioned as a guzzling gambler?

Ans:- Lomov’s father.

40. Who was spoken to as a malicious and double faced intriguer?

Ans:- Lomov.

41. Who called Lomov ‘the scarecrow’?

Ans:- Chubukov

42. Who called Lomov ‘a turnip ghost’?

Ans:- Chubukov.

43. Who was referred to as ‘stuffed sausage’?

Ans:- Lomov.

44. Who called Lomov ‘the wizen faced frump’?

Ans:- Chubukov.

(Chubukov called Lomov as a malicious/doublefaced intriguer/the scarecrow/a turnip ghost/stuffed sausage/the wizen faced frump)

45. Why did Chubukov wish to shoot or hang himself?

Ans:- Because Natalya asked him to fetch Lomov  and just now they cursed him, abused him and expelled him.

46. Who remembered that Oxen Meadows really belonged to the Lomovs?

Ans:- Natalya.

47. When did Natalya remembered that Oxen Meadows really belonged to the Lomovs?

Ans:- When Lomov was fetched to propose her.

48. When did Lomov wish to go for shooting?

Ans:- After the harvest.

49. What was the name of Lomov’s dog?

Ans:- Guess.

50. What was the misfortune that Lomov got?

Ans:- Guess had gone lame.

51. What was the cause of Guess’s lameness that Lomov had thought?

Ans:- The leg of Guess must have got twisted or bitten by some other dog.

52. Where did Lomov buy his Guess from?

Ans:- Mironov.

53. How much did Lomov pay for Guess?

Ans:- 125 roubles.

54. Who bought Squeezer?

Ans:- Chubukov.

55. What was the price of Squeezer?

Ans:- 85 roubles.

56. Who thought that Squeezer was heaps better than Guess?

Ans:- Natalya.

57. Why was Squeezer better than Guess to Natalya?

Ans:- As Squeezer was young and had a good pedigree.

58. Who was overshot?

Ans:- Squeezer.

59. What does overshot mean?

Ans:- Lower jaw is shorter than upper.

60. Who was a bad hunter?

Ans:- Squeezer.

61. Who were the parents of Squeezer?

Ans:- Harness and Chisels.

62. ’He is old and ugly as a worn out cab –horse’ – who is referred to here?

Ans:- Guess.

63. What according to Lomov was the handsome price to pay for the Squeezer?

Ans:- 25 roubles.

64. What were the two defects of Guess that Chubukov had pointed out?

Ans:- Guess was i) old and ii) short in the muzzle.

65. Who ran neck to neck with the Count’s dog on the Marusinsky hunt?

Ans:- Guess.

66. Who was left behind on the Marusinsky hunt?

Ans:- Squeezer.

67. Why was Squeezer left behind on the Marusinsky hunt?

Ans:- Besause the Count’s whipper – in hit Squeezer with his whip.

68. Who was worrying a sheep on the Marusinsky hunt?

Ans:- Squeezer.

69. Who advised Lomov to lie on Kitchen’s oven?

Ans:- Natalya.

70. What should Lomov  hunt instead of foxes?

Ans:- Black beetles.

71. “I’ll shoot you like a patridge.” – who said this and to whom?

Ans:- Chubukov said this to Lomov.

72. Who used to beat Chubukov?

Ans:- His late wife.

73. “You’re under the slipper of your house keeper.” – who said this and to whom?

Ans:- Chubukov said this to Lomov.

74. Where had Lomov fall after being fainted?

Ans:- Armchair.

75. Who abused Lomov that he could not even sit on horse?

Ans:- Natalya.

76. Who wanted to put a bullet into his head or cut his throat?

Ans:- Chubukov.

77. Why did Chubukov think Natalya as a weight in his shoulders?

Ans:- As Natalya was a grown up unmarried girl.

78. What is the format of the play ‘The Proposal’?

Ans:- One-act-play.

79. When was the play performed?

Ans:- In 1890.

80. How many characters does the play have?

Ans:- Three characters.

81. What were their ages?

Ans:- Lomov – in his middle thirties.

82    Chubukov – in his seventies

         Natalya – twenty five

83. What was the setting of the play?

Ans:- Rural countryside of Russia.

84. What was Lomov wearing?

Ans:- A dress-jacket and white gloves.

85. Why was Chubukov extremely glad and surprised?

Ans:- To see Lomov.

86. What did Chubukov suspect of Lomov’s coming to his house?

Ans:- To borrow money.

87. What does the Phrase ‘spit it out’ mean?

Ans:- Just say it.

88. Why did Lomov actually come to Chubukov?

Ans:- To propose his daughter in marriage.

89. Why did Chubukov embrace and kiss Lomov?

Ans:- Hearing the marriage proposal  of his daughter.

90. What was Chubukov’s continual desire?

Ans:- To get Lomov as his son- in-law.

91. What was the pet name of Natalya?

Ans:- Natasha.

92. How did Chubukov compare his daughter’s love to Lomov?

Ans:- Like a love- sick cat.

93. What was Lomov’s age?

Ans:- 35 years.

94. What is a critical age according to Lomov?

Ans:- 35

95. Who suffered from palpitations?

Ans:- Lomov.

96. What were the other physical problems of Lomov?

Ans:- Trembling of lips, twitch in right eyebrow, pull in shoulder and head.

97. When did Lomov use to jump like a lunatic?

Ans:- When he felt the pull in his shoulder and head.

98. How many times did he feel the pull?

Ans:- Twenty times.

99. Go there is a merchant come for his goods.” – Who is the merchant mentioned here?

Ans:- Lomov.

” THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন উত্তর “ একটি অতি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ টপিক দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর পরীক্ষা (West Bengal Class HS HS/ WB Class 12 / WBBSE / Class 12 EXiam / West Bengal Board of Secondary Education – WB Class 12 EXiam / Class 12th / WB Class 12 / Class 12 Pariksha ) এখান থেকে প্রশ্ন অবশ্যম্ভাবী । সে কথা মাথায় রেখে দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতিমূলক সাজেশন এবং প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর ( দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি সাজেশন / দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ও উত্তর । Class 12 English Suggestion / Class 12 English  Question and Answer / Class 12 English Suggestion / Class 12 Pariksha English Suggestion / English Class 12 EXam Guide / MCQ , Short , Descriptive Type Question and Answer / Class 12 English Suggestion FREE PDF Download)


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দশম শ্রেণিপড়ুন
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দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীপড়ুন

WBBSE Class 12th English  Suggestion | দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন উত্তরTHE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV

দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর – THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV MCQ প্রশ্ন উত্তর | WBBSE Class 12 English Question and Answer, Suggestion দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর – THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV প্রশ্ন উত্তর প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর | THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV । Class 12 English  Question and Answer Suggestion.

WBBSE Class 12 English  Suggestion দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর – THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV প্রশ্ন উত্তর প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর । THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV | Class 12 English  Suggestion দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর – THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV প্রশ্ন উত্তর প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর ।

WB Class 12 English  Suggestion | দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন উত্তরTHE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV MCQ QUESTIONS & ANSWERS

Class 12 English  Question and Answer Suggestions | দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর – THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV | দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর Class 12 English  Question and Answer দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর – THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর Class 12 English  Question and Answer দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর – THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV MCQ, সংক্ষিপ্ত, রোচনাধর্মী প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর ।

WB Class 12 English  Suggestion | দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন উত্তরTHE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV MCQ QUESTION & ANSWERS

Class 12 English  Question and Answer Suggestion দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর – THE PROPOSAL (DRAMA) ANTON CHEKHOV MCQ প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর । Class 12 English  Question and Answer Suggestion দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর। West Bengal Class 12 English Suggestion Download WBBSE Class 12th English short question suggestion . Class 12 English  Suggestion download Class 12th Question Paper English. WB Class 12 English suggestion and important question and answer. Class 12 Suggestion pdf.

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সবার আগে সমস্ত পরীক্ষার গুরুত্বপূর্ণ নোটস এবং মকটেস্ট পেতে জয়েন করুন -

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