একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি : LEELA’S FRIEND (PROSE) R.K. NARAYAN QUESTION ANSWERS| WBBSE Class 11th English Question and Answer

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একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি : LEELA’S FRIEND (PROSE) R.K. NARAYAN QUESTION ANSWERS | WBBSE Class 11th English Question and Answer

LEELA’S FRIEND (PROSE) R.K. NARAYAN QUESTION ANSWERS একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর | Class 11 English Question and Answer : LEELA’S FRIEND (PROSE) R.K. NARAYAN QUESTION ANSWERS একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর | Class 11 English Question and Answer নিচে দেওয়া হলো। এই West Bengal WBBSE Class 11th English Question and Answer, Suggestion, Notes | একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর – LEELA’S FRIEND (PROSE) R.K. NARAYAN QUESTION ANSWERS থেকে বহুবিকল্পভিত্তিক, সংক্ষিপ্ত, অতিসংক্ষিপ্ত এবং রোচনাধর্মী প্রশ্ন উত্তর (MCQ, Very Short, Short, Descriptive Question and Answer) গুলি আগামী West Bengal Class 11th XI  XI English EXiamination – পশ্চিমবঙ্গ একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি পরীক্ষার জন্য খুব ইম্পর্টেন্ট। একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি পরীক্ষা তে এই সাজেশন বা কোশ্চেন LEELA’S FRIEND (PROSE) R.K. NARAYAN QUESTION ANSWERS একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর | Class 11 English Question and Answer গুলো আসার সম্ভাবনা খুব বেশি।

1. “why are you so rough?”-To whom was it spoken? Or, Who is ‘you’?-

[A] Leela

[B] Leela’s father

[C] Leela’s mother’

[D] Sidda

Ans:- [C] Leela’s mother’ .

2. According to Sidda from where can Leela touch the moon ?

[A] Standing on the roof the house

[B] Standing on a banana tree

[C] Going to sky

[D] Standing on a coconut tree

Ans: [D] Standing on a coconut tree

3. Leela firmly believed that Sidda –

[A] knew God

[B] knew moon

[C] knew the stars

[D] knew the sun

Ans: [B] knew moon

4. Leela keenly examined the ball for the traces of –

[A] stars

[B] dust

[C] the sun

[D] the moon

Ans: [D] the moon

5. Leela took Sidda’s class during –

[A] evening

[B] dusk

[C] afternoon

[D] morning


6. Coming to the backyard to point the moon up for Leela’s realisation of moon’s presence Sidda stopped-

[A] near the rose plant

[B] near the well

[C] on the roof

[D] none of these

Ans: [B] near the well

7. ” She had another pencil and a catalogue and commanded . ” The command was-

[A] ‘ Draw a kind of cat ‘

[B] write ‘ two ‘ or ‘ three ‘

[C] ‘ Now write ‘

[D] ‘ open your book

Ans: [C] ‘ Now write ‘

8. ‘ Leela used to listen incomparable stories from Sidda after dinner-

[A] at dining table

[B] at study time

[C] at bed time

[D] none of these

Ans: [C] at bed time

9. In Sivasanker’s house Sidda slept –

[A] in Leela’s room

[B] in the drawing room

[C] servant’s quarter

[D] outside the house

Ans: [D] outside the house

10. Sidda vanished into the night because –

[A] Leela’s mother took him for a thief

[B] He stole Leela’s gold chain

[C] Leela’s father had gone to the police station

[D] The police was searching for him

Ans:- [A] Leela’s mother took him for a thief .

11. “His throat went dry.” –Who is referred to as ‘his’?-

[A] Sidda

[B] Leela’s father

[C] The police Inspector

[D] none of the three

Ans:- [A] Sidda .

12. “Her mother gave her slap…..? –because-

[A] Leela had lost her gold chain

[B] Leela ate all the sugar

[C] Leela was sleeping

[D] Leela was playing with Sidda

Ans:- [A] Leela had lost her gold chain .

13. According to Sidda , Leela can touch the sky from the top –

[A] The roof

[B] A coconut tree

[C] A temple

[D] Tower

Ans:- [B] A coconut tree .

14. Where is your chain? –Who asked this question –

[A] Sidda

[B] Leela’s father

[C] Leela’s mother

[D] A Police Inspector

Ans:- [C] Leela’s mother .

15. Leela was put to sleep by –

[A] Her mother’s song

[B] A bird’s song

[C] Her father’ story

[D] Sidda’s story

Ans:- [D] Sidda’s story .

16. “She pitied him….” –Why ? –

[A] Because Sidda disliked his lessons

[B] Because Sidda felt asleep while learning

[C] Because Sidda wanted to cook food

[D] To notice his effort

Ans:-[D] To notice his effort .

17. Leela offered Sidda her catalogue to –

[A] Write their names

[B] Copy her writings and pictures

[C] Put in her box

[D] Tear it

Ans:- [B] Copy her writings and pictures .

18. “Don’t go near him.” –This was said to Leela by –

[A] The police Inspector

[B] The police constable

[C] Sivasanker

[D] Leela’s mother

Ans:- [A] The police Inspector .

19. The gold chain was ultimately discovered inside –

[A] Metal box

[B] A tamarind pot

[C] A well

[D] A suitcase

Ans:- [B] A tamarind pot .

20. Who found out the gold chain? –

[A] Sidda

[B] Leela’s mother

[C] Leela’s father

[D] Leela

Ans:-[B] Leela’s mother .

21. “I will tell the Inspector tomorrow.” –Why? –

[A] Sidda had stolen the chain

[B] The chain was found out

[C] Sidda fled away

[D] Sidda was not a thief

Ans:- [D] Sidda was not a thief .

22. Mr. Sivasanker finally –

[A] Repented for blaming Sidda

[B] Dismissed Sidda

[C] Employed Sidda

[D] Asked for Sidda’s pardon

Ans:-[B] Dismissed Sidda .

23. Leela became amazed to see –

[A] Sidda at work

[B] Sidda playing with her

[C] The coconut tree

[D] The moon was running after them

Ans:-[D] The moon was running after them .

24. If someone stood on a coconut tree he would be able to touch –

[A] The God

[B] The sun

[C] The stars

[D] The sky

Ans:-[D] The sky .

25. “I have asked it to follow us about.” –It refers to –

[A] The moon

[B] The sky

[C] The gold chain

[D] The sun

Ans:-[A] The moon .

26. Leela’s box was full of –

[A] Catalogues,pen, and chalks

[B] Illustrated books, cards and pins

[C] Chocolate, eraser and pencils

[D] Catalogues, illustrated books and stumps of pencils

Ans:-[D] Catalogues, illustrated books and stumps of pencils .

27. Leela keenly examined the ball for the traces of –

[A] Dust

[B] Cloud

[C] Stars

[D] Moon

Ans:-[D] Moon .

28. Sidda knows –

[A] The deity

[B] The moon

[C] The thieves

[D] The policeman

Ans:- [B] The moon .

All The Important Multiple Choice Questions From Leela’s Friend Class XI WBBSE

29. In the companionship of Sidda, Leela felt –

[A] Happy

[B] Annoyed

[C] Anxious

[D] Careless

Ans:-[A] Happy .

30. Leela found great joy when she became –

[A] A singer to sidda

[B] A teacher to Sidda

[C] A player

[D] A dancer

Ans:- [B] A teacher to Sidda .

31. Which one of the following articles was not found in Leela’s box –

[A] Pencils

[B] Chalks

[C] Books

[D] Pens

Ans:- [B] Chalks .

32. Leela was acquainted with –

[A] All the letters

[B] None of the letters

[C] Two to three letters

[D] The vowels only

Ans:- [C] Two to three letters .

33. Sidda’s stories were about –

[A] Gods

[B] Animals

[C] All of these three

[D] Magicians

Ans:-[C] All of these three .

34. Leela wanted to have the company of Sidda –

[A] All her walking hours

[B] At her palying hours

[C] In the morning

[D] At noon

Ans:- [A] All her walking hours .

35. While Sidda was hanging about the gate of Shivasanker, he (Sivasanker. was –

[A] In his study

[B] In the kitchen

[C] Standing in the front veranda

[D] In his bedroom

Ans:-[C] Standing in the front veranda .

36. ‘Leela’s friend is written by-

[A] R.K. Narayan

[B] C.V. Raman

[C] O. Henry

[D] Khushwant Singh

Ans:- [A] R.K. Narayan .

37. Leel’s Friend is a –

[A] Novel

[B] Science fiction

[C] Short story

[D] Report

Ans:- [C] Short story.

38. The story Leela’s Friend is set in a –

[A] Town

[B] Big city

[C] Countryside

[D] Village

Ans:- [A] Town

39. Sidda worked previously in a-

[A] Park

[B] Bungalow

[C] Cottage

[D] House

Ans:- [B] Bungalow .

40. Leela held a class for Sidda at –

[A] Dawn

[B] Noon time

[C] Dusk

[D] Night

Ana- [A] Dawn .

41. Sidda was the –

[A] Teacher of Leela

[B] Leela’s friend

[C] Servant of Leela’s house

[D] Driver of Leela’s father

Ans:- [B] Leela’s friend .

42. Sidda attracted Sivasanker’s attention as he was –

[A] Smart

[B] Innocent

[C] Tidy

[D] Queer

Ans:- [C] Tidy .

43. Before coming to Sivasanker’s house Sidda worked –

[A] Nowhere

[B] In a lawyer’s chamber

[C] In a doctor’s house

[D] As a farmer

Ans:- [C] In a doctor’s house .

44. Sidda was sent away from the doctor’s house because

[A] He stole money

[B] Sivasanker called him

[C] The doctor left the town

[D] Sidda fell seriously ill

Ans:- [C] The doctor left the town .

45. How old was Leela –

[A] Five years

[B] Nine years

[C] Seven years

[D] One years

Ans:- [A] Five years .

46. “Now, this has touched the moon…….”- What is referred to as ‘this’? –

[A] The well

[B] The rose plant

[C] The red ball

[D] A coconut tree

Ans:- [C] The red ball .

47. “Can’t you tell the story of the elephant ?” – Here ‘you’ refers to –

[A] Leela

[B] Sidda

[C] Leela’s friend

[D] Leela’s mother

Ans:- [D] Leela’s mother .

48. “The thought of Sidda made her panicky.” – Why?-

[A] Sidda might kill her child

[B] Sidda might steal all her valuables

[C] Sidda might appear as a ghost

[D] Sidda would steal Leela

Ans:- [B] Sidda might steal all her valuables .

49. Mr Shivasanker had the problem of –

[A] Food

[B] Money

[C] Servant

[D] Nothing

Ans:- [C] Servant .

50. Leela could drawn a kind of –

[A] Dog

[B] Cow

[C] Cat and crow

[D] Peacock

Ans:-[C] Cat and crow .

51. Leela had a –

[A] Silver chain

[B] Gold ring

[C] Diamond chain

[D] Gold chain .

Ans:- [D] Gold chain .

52. Mr Sivasanker came to the house –

[A] One hour later

[B] Three hours later

[C] Half an hour later

[D] Four hours later

Ans:-[C] Half an hour later .

53. Leela asked her mother to tell her the story of –

[A] An elephant

[B] A fairy

[C] A tiger

[D] A lion

Ans:- [A] An elephant .

54. The police reported that Sidda had been to jail for stealing jewillery –

[A] Two times

[B] Six times

[C] Three times

[D] Five times

Ans:- [B] Six times .

55. According to the police, Sidda had been in jail half a dozen times for stealing jewellery from –

[A] Children

[B] Jewel-shops

[C] Women

[D] His mother

Ans:- [A] Children .

56. A police inspector and a constable brought in Sidda –

[A] Two days later

[B] Four days later

[C] One day after stealing

[D] Five days later

Ans:-[B] Four days later .

57. Sidda was brought home by –

[A] Two policemen

[B] One policemen

[C] Three policemen

[D] Four policemen

Ans:-[A] Two policemen .

58. Mr and Mrs Shivasanker accused Sidda of –

[A] Being idle

[B] Treachery

[C] Liar

[D] Arrogance

Ans:-[B] Treachery .

59. Mr Shivasanker first saw Sidda –

[A] In a market place

[B] At a bus-stop

[C] At the gate in front of his house

[D] At the railway station

Ans:-[C] At the gate in front of his house .

60. From the conversations with Leela we understand that sidda is –

[A] An imaginative story teller and entertaining companion

[B] A liar as well as a cheat

[C] A learned man

[D] A humbug

Ans:-[A] An imaginative story teller and entertaining companion .

61. What did Sidda do when Leela’s mother asked about the chain?-

[A] He smiled calmly and said that he did not know

[B] He said that he had sold it to a merchant

[C] He blinked and said that he did not know

[D] He said nothing

Ans:-[C] He blinked and said that he did not know .

62. Shivasanker was deeply pondering over the –

[A] Problem of a servant

[B] His daughter’ education

[C] Physical condition of his own

[D] None of these three

Ans:-[A] Problem of a servant .

63. At first impression, Mr Shivasanker foun Sidda –

[A] Talkative

[B] Tidy

[C] Foolish

[D] Liar

Ans:-[B] Tidy .

64. Leela used to hear a story from Sidda –

[A] At lunch time

[B] Before dinner

[C] Before going to bed

[D] In the morning

Ans:-[C] Before going to bed .

65. Sidda was kept in the house as a servant because –

[A] He had once served in the house of doctor

[B] He was gentle

[C] He was handsome

[D] Leela liked him

Ans:-[D] Leela liked him .

66. The police inspector was angry with Shivasanker for –

[A] Giving a gold chain to a child

[B] Keeping gold in the house

[C] Not giving him bribe

[D] Not consulting him before engaging Sidda as a servant

Ans:-[D] Not consulting him before engaging Sidda as a servant .

67. ‘Let us keep him in our house’ – This is the suggestion of –

[A] Mr Shivasanker

[B] Leela

[C] Mrs Shivasanker

[D] Sidda

Ans:-[B] Leela .

68. When sidda failed to copy the drawings, Leela-

[A] Would pity Sidda and would redouble her effort to teach Sidda

[B] Would be very pleased

[C] Would take it seriously

[D] Would be annoyed

Ans:- [A] Would pity Sidda and would redouble her effort to teach Sidda .

69. The relationship that Leela and Sidda enjoyed was one of –

[A] Hatred and enmity

[B] Friendship and trust

[C] Master and servant

[D] Teacher and student

Ans:-[B] Friendship and trust .

70. ‘why are you so rough”? –whose remark is this?

[A] Sivasanker

[B] Sidda

[C] Leela

[D] Mrs sivasanker

Ans:-[C] Leela .

71. ‘How did it get into the tamarind pot’? –Whose question is this? This question is of –

[A] Leela

[B] Sidda

[C] Leela’s mother

[D] Police inspector

Ans:-[C] Leela’s mother .

72. The synonym of ‘hanging about’ is –

[A] Loitering about

[B] Going away

[C] Swinging

[D] Neither of these three

Ans:-[A] Loitering about .

73. The synonym of ‘brooding’ is –

[A] Marrying

[B] Thinking deeply

[C] Hesitating

[D] Neither of these three

Ans:-[B] Thinking deeply .

74. The synonym of ‘scrutiny’ is –

[A] Minute examination

[B] Score

[C] Thinking

[D] Safety

Ans:-[A] Minute examination .

75. According to Sidda, the doctor lived near the –

[A] Temple

[B] School

[C] College

[D] Market

Ans:- [D] Market .

76. Leela’s mother found the gold chain in the –

[A] Turmeric pot

[B] Red chili pot

[C] Black pepper pot

[D] Tamarind pot

Ans:- [D] Tamarind pot .

77. The colour of the ball Leela played with was –

[A] Green

[B] Black

[C] White

[D] Red

Ans:-[D] Red .

78. How did Sidda look at Leela? –

[A] He looked at her angrily

[B] He looked at her mutely

[C] He looked at her secretly

[D] He looked at her feebly

Ans:-[B] He looked at her mutely .

79. What was Sidda given for his service? –

[A] For his service Sidda was given food but no money

[B] For his service Sidda was given only four rupees a month

[C] For his service Sidda was given tow meals a day and four rupees a month

[D] For his service Sidda was given only two shirts and four rupees a month

Ans:-[C] For his service Sidda was given tow meals a day and four rupees a month.

80. Why was the police inspector furious with Mr Sivasanker? –

[A] Mr Sivasanker could not give any detailed information regarding the physical appearance of Sidda

[B] Mr Sivasanker took Leela with him to the police station

[C] Mr Sevasanker did not consult him before engaging Sidda as a servant

[D] Mr Sivasanker asked him to retrieve the gold chain immediately

Ans:-[C] Mr Sevasanker did not consult him before engaging Sidda as a servant.

81. Why didn’t Leela like her mother ? Leela did not like her mother because –

[A] She always asked, to prepare her lessons

[B] She did not allow her to play games with her friends

[C] She always quarreled with her neighbours

[D] She always abused and worried Sidda

Ans:-[D] She always abused and worried Sidda .

82. Leela’s mother could not tell her any story because she –

[A] Was mentally disturbed

[B] Felt sleepy

[C] Found Leela sleeping

[D] Knew no story

Ans:- [A] Was mentally disturbed .

83. As for education Leela knew –

[A] The whole alphabet

[B] Only one letter ‘s’

[C] Two or three letters of the alphabet

[D] Many languages

Ans:- [C] Two or three letters of the alphabet .

84. The thing that Leela lost was –

[A] A gold ring

[B] A gold necklace

[C] A gold button

[D] A gold chain

Ans:- [D] A gold chain .

85. In Sivasanker’s house Sidda slept –

[A] In the servant’s quarter

[B] In Leela’s room

[C] On Leela’s bed

[D] Outside the house

Ans:- [D] Outside the house .

86. Sidda had been reported to be in jail for –

[A] Several times

[B] Once

[C] Three times

[D] One\two times

Ans:- [A] Several times .

87. While telling stories to Leela, Sidda used to sit down on the –

[A] Box

[B] Chair

[C] Bed

[D] Floor

Ans:- [D] Floor .

88. According to Sidda what was in the sky –

[A] The moon

[B] The sun

[C] Leela’s red ball

[D] The God

Ans:- [D] The God .

89. Sidda was employed because –

[A] He came with an introduction from a doctor

[B] He pleaded earnestly with Mr Sivasanker

[C] He had a good record of experience

[D] Leela recommended, he had to stay

Ans:- [D] Leela recommended, he had to stay .

90. Sidda was taken to the police station because –

[A] The police found the chain in his possession.

[B] Sidda confessed his guilt to Leela’s parents.

[C] The police assumed that none but he could steal the chain

[D] The police had the proof of his stealing the chain.

Ans:- [C] The police assumed that none but he could steal the chain .

91. Mr Sivasanker appointed Sidda as a domestic servant on a monthly salary of –

[A] Rupees four

[B] Rupees five

[C] Rupees six

[D] Rupees eight

Ans:- [A] Rupees four .

92. Sidda was to get –

[A] One meal

[B] One and a half meals

[C] Two meals

[D] Three meals

Ans:- [C] Two meals .

93. What was the name of Sidda’s previous emlployer?

[A] Doctor Siddique

[B] Dhruba Sen

[C] Not known to him

[D] A Doctor .

Ans:- [D] A Doctor .

94. Sidda went out to buy –

[A] Salt

[B] Atta

[C] Sugar

[D] Rice

Ans – [C] Sugar .

95. Before taking a decision to appoint Sidda, Mr Sivasanker consulted with –

[A] His wife

[B] His friend

[C] A lawyer

[D] His daughter

Ans:- [A] His wife .

96. ‘He lives near the market’ – Here ‘he’ refers to –

[A] Mr Sivasanker

[B] A doctor

[C] The police officer

[D] Sidda

Ans:-[B] A doctor .

97. Which of the following works Sidda was not allowed to do ? –

[A] Chopping woods.

[B] Ran errands

[C] Looking after the gardens

[D] Cooking

Ans:- [D] Cooking .

98. “Let us keep him in our house.” – Who says this ?

[A] Sidda

[B] Sivasanker

[C] Sivasanker’s wife

[D] Leela

Ans:- [D] Leela .

LEELA’S FRIEND (PROSE) R.K. NARAYAN QUESTION ANSWERS একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি সাজেশন প্রশ্ন উত্তর Class 11 English Suggestion | West Bengal WBBSE Class XI  XI (Class 11th) English Question and Answer Suggestion

1. Why did Leela clap her hands and scream in wonder?

Ans:- Leela clapped her hands and screamed in wonder because the moon was following them to the rose plants, the backyard and wherever they were going.

2. When did Leela hold a class for Sidda?

Ans:- Leela held a class for Sidda at dusk.

3. What was Leela’s box filled with? ,

Ans:- Leela’s box was filled with catalogues, illustrated books and stumps of pencils.

4. What did Leela ask Sidda to draw?

Ans:- Leela asked Sidda to draw a kind of cat and crow.

5. What did Leela ask Sidda to copy?

Ans:- Leela asked Sidda to copy two or three letters of the alphabet and draw a kind of cat and crow.

6. How many letters of the alphabet did Leela know to write? –

Ans:- Leela knew two or three letters of the alphabet to write.

7. Why did Leela pity Sidda?

Ans:- Leela pitied Sidda because Sidda was incapable to draw the crow and the letter ‘B’.

8. How did Sidda seek relief from Leela’s class?

Or. How would the school hour end?

Ans:- Sidda sought relief from Leela’s class by saying that her mother was calling her into dinner.

9. When did Leela run to her bed? –

Ans:- Leela ran to her bed after dinner.

10. What stories did Sidda tell to Leela after dinner?

Ans:- Sidda told incomparable stories of animals in the jungle, gods in heaven, magicians and princesses.

11. Who noticed that the gold chain of Leela was missing?

Ans:- Leela’s mother noticed that the gold chain of Leela was missing.

12. “Her mother gave her a slap.” – Whose mother gave her a slap?

Ans:- Leela’s mother gave her a slap.

13. “I told you to take it off and put it in the box.” – What was ‘it’ referred to here?

Ans:- ‘It’ was referred to as Leela’s gold chain.

14. “His throat went dry.” – Whose throat went dry and why?

Ans:- Sidda’s throat went dry because Leela’s mother asked him about the lost chain of Leela.

15. When did Sidda flee from the house?

Ans:- When Leela’s mother went into the kitchen to see something left on the oven after noticing Leela’s missing gold chain, Sidda fled from the house.

16. Why had Sidda vanished into the night?

Ans:- Sidda had vanished into the night because he was afraid of being arrested on account of Leela’s gold chain.

17. Who went to the police station and lodged a complaint?

Ans:- Mr Sivasanker went to the police station and lodged a complaint.

18. Why did Leela refuse to go to bed?

Ans:- Leela refused to go to bed because she wanted Sidda to come with her to the bed and tell stories.

19. Why, according to Leela, was her mother rough?

Or. What was Leela’s complaint against her mother?

Ans:- According to Leela, her mother was rough because she used to abuse and worry Sidda.

20. What made Leela’s mother panicky?

Ans:- The thought of harbouring such a villain like Sidda in their house made Leela’s mother panicky. She also thought that with his knowledge of the household, he might come at night and loot.

21. What did Leela think about Sidda’s escape?

Ans:- Leela thought that Sidda was angry with them because he was not allowed to sleep inside the house.

22. What did Mr Sivasanker come to know from the inspector?

Or. How many times was Sidda in jail?

Ans:- Mr Sivasanker came to know from the inspector that Sidda had been in jail half a dozen times for stealing jewellery from children.

23. Why was the inspector furious with Mr Sivasanker?

Ans:- The inspector was furious with Sivasanker because he did not consult him before employing Sidda in their house.

24. After how many days of stealing was Sidda arrested?

Ans:- Sidda was arrested after four days of stealing.

25. What is Mr. Sivasankar’s first impression of Sidda?

Ans:- The first impression of Mr. Sivasankar was that Sidda was not a bad fellow and looked tidy.

26. What kind of job did Sidda do in the Sivasankar household ?

Ans:- Sidda washed clothes, tended the garden, ran errands, chopped wood and looked after Leela.

27. Where did Leela’s mother find the chain ?

Ans:- Leela’s mother found the chain in a tamarind pot in the kitchen.

28  .        Q4. Why did Sidda leave the old master’s house?

Ans:- Sidda left the old master’s house as the master left the town.

29. Who asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky?

Ans:- Leela asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky.

30. What was Leela’s box filled with ?

Ans:- Leela’s box was filled with catalogues, illustrated books and stumps of pencils.

31. How, according to Sidda, could one touch the sky?

Ans:- According to Sidda one could touch the sky if he stood in a coconut tree.

32. What is the name of R. K. Narayan’s story?

Ans:-The name of R. K. Narayan’s story is “Leela’s Friend”.

33. What kind of story did Sidda tell Leela ?

Ans:- Sidda told Leela strange stories of animals, gods and magicians of extraordinary skills.

34. Who put the gold chain in the tamarind pot?

Ans:- Once Leela put the gold chain in the tamarind pot.

35. Who, do you think, was the best judge of Sidda’s character ?

Ans:- The story makes it clear that Leela was the best judge of Sidda’s character.

36. What idea do you have about the character of Mr. Sivasanker?

Ans:- We think that Mr. Sivasanker is a poor judge of human character.

37. What did Mr. Sivasanker come to know about Sidda from the police ?

Ans:- Mr Sivasanker learnt from the police that Sidda was a confirmed criminal. He had been in jail several on the charge times on the of stealing jewellery from children.

38. Who brought Sidda to Mr. Sivasanker’s house ?

Ans:- The police inspector and a constable brought Sidda to Mr. Sivasanker’s house.

39. “Nothing can make them confess.” – Who said this and about whom?

Ans:- Mr. Sivasanker said this about old criminals like Sidda

40. What was the problem Mr. Sivasanker was brooding over?

Ans:- Mr. Sivasanker was brooding over the servant problem.

41. What was the opinion of Mr. Sivasanker’s wife about Sidda?

Ans:- Mr. Sivasanker’s wife said that Sidda did not look worse than the others they had in their house.

42. Which works would Sidda do in Mr. Sivasanker’s house?

Ans:- Sidda would wash clothes, tend the garden, run errands, chop woods, above all, look after little Leela in Mr. Sivasanker’s house.

43. Which game did Leela and Sidda play together?

Ans:- Sidda and Leela threw a red ball to each other and enjoyed the game.

44. “I don’t see it.” – What did the speaker not see?

Ans:- The speaker did not see the traces of the moon sticking to the ball.

45. Why did Sidda tell Leela to look at the ball quickly?

Ans:- Sidda told Leela to look at the ball quickly because the traces of the moon sticking to it would evaporate.

46. “She pitied him….”-Why did she pity him ?

Ans:-She pitied him as he could not copy what she drew and wrote.

47. Why was Leela overjoyed?

Ans:- Leela was overjoyed to see Sidda brought back home.

48. Who brought Sidda into the house of Mr Sivasanker?

Ans:- A police inspector and a constable brought Sidda into the house of Mr Sivasanker.

49. Who addressed Sidda a few words of treachery?

Ans:- Mrs Sivasanker addressed Sidda with a few words of treachery.

50. What was Sidda’s answer when he was asked about the chain?

Ans:- Sidda’s answer was that he had not taken the gold chain.

51. “Leave him alone, he hasn’t taken the chain.” – a. Who said this? b. Why did Leela think that she had not taken the chain?

Ans:- a. Leela said this.

b. Leela thought that Sidda had not taken the chain because the behaviour, affection and love, she got from him made her think that he was innocent.

52. “Take him to the station. I think I shall have to sit with him tonight.” – Why did the inspector wish to sit with Sidda?

Ans:- The inspector wished to sit with Sidda for further interrogation about the missing gold chain of Leela.

53. Who was not a reliable prosecution witness?

Ans:- Leela was not a reliable prosecution witness.

54. “He looked at her mutely, like an animal.” – Who looked at and to whom?

Ans:- Sidda looked at Leela.

55. Why was Leela in tears?

Ans:- Sidda was in tears because Sidda was being taken to the police station again.

56. “Nothing can make them confess.” – Who are referred to as ‘them’? –

Ans:- The fellows like Sidda who have been in jail once or twice are referred to here as ‘them’.

57. Where did Leela’s mother find the chain? 2014

Ans:- Leela’s mother found the chain inside the tamarind pot in the kitchen.

58. Who put the chain in the tamarind pot?

Ans:- Leela put the chain in the tamarind pot.

59. What was Mr Sivasanker’s reaction when the chain was recovered?

Ans:- Mr Sivasanker reproached her daughter for all this bother and ordered his wife not to give any chain to Leela thereafter.

60. What was Mr. Sivasanker brooding over, standing in the front veranda of his house?

Ans:- Mr. Sivasanker was brooding over the servant problem, standing in the front veranda of his house.

61. What is Mr. Sivasanker’s first impression of Sidda?

Ans:- Mr. Sivasanker’s first impression is that Sdda does not seem to be a bad sort and he looks tidy.

62. Who according to Sidda was his previous master?

Ans:- According to Sidda, his previous master was a doctor.

63. Where did the doctor live?

Ans:- The doctor lived in a bungalow near the market.

64. Why did Sidda leave the old master’s house? 2015

Ans:- Sidda left the old master’s house because they left the town.

65. Why did Mr. Sivasanker call his wife?

Ans:- Mr. Sivasanker called his wife because he was unable to make up his mind whether Sidda would work as a servant in his home.

66. What was Mrs Sivasanker’s opinion regarding Sidda?

Ans:- Mrs. Sivasanker said that Sidda seemed better than other servants who worked earlier in their house.

67. “I like him. Don’t send him away.” – Who said this?

Ans:- Leela, five years old daughter of Mr And Mrs Sivasanker said this.

68. “And that decided it.” – What was decided?

Ans:- Sidda would work as a servant in their house. It was decided.

69. What kind of job did Sidda do in the Sivasanker’s household? 2014

Or. What did Sidda do at Mr. Sivasanker’s house?

Ans:- Sidda washed clothes, tended the garden, ran errands, chopped wood and looked after Leela.

70.What was Sidda given in return for his service in the house of Mr Sivasanker?

Ans:- Sidda was given two meals a day and four rupees a month in return for his service in the house of Mr Sivasanker.

71. When did Sidda touch the moon?

Ans:- Sidda touched the moon whenever there was a big moon.

72. Who asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky? 2015,

Ans:- Leela asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky.

73. What did Sidda say to Leela when the ball came down?

Or. What did Sidda say when the ball thrown by him into the sky, came down? –

Ans:- Sidda told Leela that the ball had touched the moon.

74. Why didn’t Leela see the traces of the moon on the ball?

Ans:- Leela must be very quick to see the traces of the moon on the ball because it will all evaporate and go back to the moon.

75. How did Leela able to see the traces of the moon?

Ans:- When Sidda allowed Leela to peep through a little gap in his finger, Leela abled to see the traces of the moon on the ball.

76. How, according to Sidda, could Leela touch the sky?

Ans:- According to Sidda, if Leela stood on a coconut tree, she could touch the sky.

” LEELA’S FRIEND (PROSE) R.K. NARAYAN QUESTION ANSWERS একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন উত্তর “ একটি অতি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ টপিক একাদশ শ্রেণীর পরীক্ষা (West Bengal Class XI  XI / WB Class 11 / WBBSE / Class 11 EXiam / West Bengal Board of Secondary Education – WB Class 11 EXiam / Class 11th / WB Class 11 / Class 11 Pariksha ) এখান থেকে প্রশ্ন অবশ্যম্ভাবী । সে কথা মাথায় রেখে একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতিমূলক সাজেশন এবং প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর ( একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি সাজেশন / একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রশ্ও উত্তর । Class 11 English Suggestion / Class 11 English  Question and Answer / Class 11 English Suggestion / Class 11 Pariksha English Suggestion / English Class 11 EXiam Guide / MCQ , Short , Descriptive Type Question and Answer / Class 11 English Suggestion FREE PDF Download)


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